Dearest Magoo
You have been home sick with me on and off for a couple weeks now. A flu, a cold, miserable, tired and not sleeping well. Even throwing up all over Mommy. Yes, grose, I know, but it comes with being a mom I suppose.
But since your Mommy is a photographer I make the most of our days home together, and turn your good times into mini photo shoots! I have wanted to do these shots since the other day when you put on that little baby sized tutu you got as a newborn...small, but it looks sooo cute! And you do not seem to mind the size.
You did well considering you were not feeling your best. Amazing how you babes can bounce back from illness so quickly, or tend to "forget" about it during the day when you are up and there are fun things to do! But when night falls....on it comes again. Why is that little ones?