Me & Mine | February 2014

When I was asked to join a group of photographers to participate in a monthly "Me and Mine" blog circle I jumped at the chance! Why? Because, like most photographers, and most moms in general, we are often behind the camera and forget to get in the picture with our children. It was a goal of mine this year to try to be IN more photos. I may cringe at how I look, or wish I could go fix my makeup and hair first, but really, why does it even matter? Our children are not going to look back and see these photos and think "wow, Mom had huge bags under her eyes that day!". They are going to look back and smile because they will remember sitting with mom to take the photo, and the laughs and fun we had during that time. So Ladies....get in the frame! Who cares what you look like, how you feel, where you are, what you are wearing. Just get in there, your kids will appreciate it one day! ♥


Head over and take a peek at Krista's post for February Me & Mine Project!