To my loves,
All 3 of you....this is a big month. Its the month our family of five becomes a family of six. In two days time your new baby sister will be born. Can you believe it? I cannot. :)
Your Dad and I always talked about having 4 kids, and now its happening. This may be a big adjustment for all of us, Little O - you are still such a baby to me, just turning 2 a couple weeks ago. The milestones you are reaching lately are awesome and we love watching you grow and learn new words and express yourself in some funny ways that make us laugh. You watch your big sister and brother like a hawk, mimicking everything they do.
Speaking of, Big O - watch what you are doing! When you jump off a couch, your little bro will too! When you say a bad word (not that you really ever do), so will he :). You know this, we don't need to remind you! You are excited for a new sister you say, and I know we keep telling you how much more responsibility you will have being the oldest. Mom and Dad are both the oldest too so we get it, buddy. It can be frustrating, but always fun to be the "boss". Just don't take advantage of it too much. I promise I will try hard to not put too much on you and remember you are still young and my "oldest" baby too. I appreciate all you do to help and I hope you know that.
Now Miss M - you are a natural Mama Bear, and I know how excited you are for a little sister to play with. Maybe now you will stop dressing your brother in dresses in tiaras :) Likely not. Now you will just have 2 little playmates instead of one. Dont worry, Little O loves getting dressed up with you! Its amazing how much you have grown and matured in the last few months. And you just only turned FIVE...five!!? Thats just nuts to me. You are so helpful and caring and nurturing that I cannot wait to see you with the baby. I know you will love on her so much and protect her and be a big help to Mom and Dad.
I am so excited (and nervous) to see how our family unfolds with a new addition. Yes, it will be a change, but a good one and we can say our family will now be complete. As Daddy said the other day "Our family will begin".
I love all 3 of you to the moon and back. Here are a few film scans I recently got back showing all your cuteness and fun we had over the winter. Just some random snapshots, but they make me happy. :) (This is a photography blog after all!)
xoxox Mom
Images shot mostly on Kodak Portra 400 35mm film, black and white with Kodak Tri-X - Pentax 645n
To those reading this - please head over to my friend, Carrie's blog now to read her letter and see her lovely images!