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Stress Free Wedding Planning - Can I have a flower girl and not a ring bearer?

Stress- Free Friday!  Tips to stay Stress Free During Wedding Planning

This week – Flower Girls and Ring Bearers.  

You may be asking - Is it necessary to have a Flower Girl and Ring Bearer at my wedding? What if I have only one Flower Girl I want to include? What if I have too many children to include in the wedding? Do they all have to stay for dinner and the reception?

Ok – breath. Not a big deal. Like I always say – it’s YOUR wedding, DO YOU.

Is it necessary to have children in my wedding party?

Answer – NO. It is not even necessary to have a wedding party if you do not want one. 

Do I have to have both a Flower Girl and a Ring Bearer in my wedding party?

Answer – NO.  You can have both, or just one girl, or one boy, or 2 girls, or 5 boys. At the end of the day, it doesn’t matter. The kids may be excited to dress up and participate and as long as you are excited to have them there, then you all win! Whatever you choose, its up to you! 

What if I have 12 nieces and nephews and want to include them all in my wedding?

Answer – do it. Dress them up and send them down the aisle. Girls can carry flowers, or walk down with the Bridesmaids. The little boys can carry cute homemade signs introducing the Bride like these little guys did.


Tips to including children in your wedding party

A kid's table is always a fun idea!

  1. Make sure your photographer takes all the family portraits that include the kids first.

  2. If really young, remember that the ceremony or photos may take place during nap time and the child may not want to cooperate. Talk to the parents before and possibly plan around the child’s grumpy time.

  3. Supply snacks for the kids

  4. If having them at the reception include games or colouring or simple toys on their table to keep them busy

  5. If children are older, have a kids only table where they can play quietly and eat together. They will feel really cool having their own table!

  6. Do not feel you have to invite the kids to the reception. Many will walk down the aisle, do portraits and then parents will take them home. Then moms and dads can come back and enjoy a night out sans kids.

  7. If the parents are also a part of the wedding party, make sure to invite another family member that will take over parenting duties if Mom or Dad are needed to help with something else.

  8. Have a kid friendly menu, and serve them a bit earlier than the rest of the guests especially if dinner starts late.

Bring the little ones down the aisle in a creative way!

Do you have any tips you would also like to suggest?

See this gallery in the original post