Beach Bums | Film Photography | Port Stanley Child Photographer

Did I ever tell you I am sort of a procrastinator when it comes to my personal photography work? (And many other personal things)

So obviously these images are not "new" but seeing as they were shot on a roll of film - Ilford 3200 black and white to be exact- they are new to me! It only took me about 5 months to get the roll processed. I think I need to start processing at home! After falling in love with photography in high school I always said "One day I will have a darkroom in my house".  Maybe that someday should be now? Yes, another example of procrastination.....only this time it was about 15 years overdue! (wow..totally just aged myself there!) they are and I am pleased how these turned out with all that grainy goodness! We spent the day at Little Beach in Port Stanley, (my childhood hometown) with some of my best friends and their kids. Good times were had and I love how timeless these images feel!

Head over to another Filmie Friend's site and check out Nicole's monthly film post!