I think my favourite part of taking engagement photos is following my couples around to a bunch of their favourite places. Often we start or end at their home, visit a local place they like to hang-out or partake in a fun activity. For Ainka and Andy, I met them downtown Toronto at Amsterdam Brewery, where they finished up their pints of beer as I photographed them just hanging out like they may on a regular Sunday evening. We then wandered the harbourfront area near the restaurant. The sun was setting so we were able to capture some great golden hour and twilight (often called the "blue hour") images. It was a great time, everyone was relaxed and having fun, and we got to know each other a little better! I cannot wait until April to edit their wedding images from their wedding at The Doctor's House!
Also, check out Ainka's page, Shes4Sports - she is the founder of this awesome group empowering women in sport to stand out and have a voice!